A Story of Finding

In a world where so much can be lost, we are happy to share our story of finding. Finding each other. Our abundant future. Finding each others family and friends -- you all! Here’s our story.

After many years of searching, Michelle finally found Robert. The first Bumble pic and she knew what Robert would eventually discover in his time. He is adventure and grounding. She is solving and seeking. And together we are laughter and contentment and ease. From Bumble to the Bee, we feel so lucky to have gotten the gift of new love later in life!

The rings we wear have also been found. On the shores of Ted’s Sandy Beach in Northern Wisconsin in the 70s, Michelle’s dad lost his ring in the lake. In 2013, through a beach finder and a Facebook connection, the ring was returned after 40 years! This unlikely ring, along with the replacement ring Michelle’s dad wore, will now be our daily reminder. Reminder of a commitment to love and each other. Reminder that seeking is always worthwhile, and that when something gets lost it can be found in the most unlikely of ways. And to the undiscovered that is still to come!

With much love,

Michelle and Robert

Michelle and Robert